Sean Anderson

Sean Anderson

I’m a Research Scientist at the Pacific Biological Station with Fisheries and Oceans Canada. I link theory with data through statistical and simulation models to improve predictions about ecological systems and inform management decisions. In particular, I am interested in dynamic species distribution modelling, population modelling, and fisheries stock assessment. Much of my recent work has been on spatial and spatiotemporal modelling.

You can find a list of my preprints and publications in my CV or on Google Scholar.

I develop open-source R packages to promote the adoption of statistical methods and reproducible science. These include

  • sdmTMB to fit spatial and spatiotemporal Generalized Linear Mixed Effects Models (GLMMs) using Template Model Builder (TMB) and Gaussian Markov random fields

  • bayesdfa to fit Bayesian Dynamic Factor Analysis (DFA) multivariate time series models

  • csasdown to facilitate reproducible data-to-document workflows for CSAS (Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research) reports

I maintain an annual report visualizing nearly all available biological and fisheries data for 116 groundfish species in British Columbia, Canada. I also maintain an annual report summarizing trends in stock status for British Columbia groundfish and connecting these trends with survey-based population indices.

Outside of work, I enjoy sea kayaking, wood working, and photography.