Sean C. Anderson ================ Pacific Biological Station Fisheries and Oceans Canada 3190 Hammond Bay Road Nanaimo, British Columbia V9T 6N7 Canada sean.anderson "at" # Professional experience 2021--23 : Research Scientist, Stock Assessment and Research Division, Pacific Biological Station, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Nanaimo, BC, Canada 2019--23 : Associate Editor, the Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2020--23 : Adjunct Professor, Department of Mathematics, Simon Fraser University 2017--20 : Program Head in Analytical Approaches and Spatial Stock Assessment, Groundfish Section, Stock Assessment and Research Division, Pacific Biological Station, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Nanaimo, BC, Canada 2015--17 : David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellow, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington and Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, WA 2015 : Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University 2011--15 : Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser University 2008--11 : Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Biology, Dalhousie University # Education 2011--15 : Ph.D. Biology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada\ Variance and extreme events in population ecology\ Fulbright Scholar to the University of Washington in 2012--13\ Dean of Graduate Studies Convocation Medal 2008--10 : M.Sc. Biology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada\ Trends, drivers, and ecosystem effects of expanding global invertebrate fisheries\ Canadian Governor General's Academic Gold Medal 2004--07 : B.Sc. (Hons.) Environmental Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada\ First Class Honours & Environmental Programmes Honour Society Medal 2001--03 : B.Sc. Candidate (Hons.) Kinesiology, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada; transferred to Dalhousie University in 2004. # Preprints 2024 : Thorson, J.T., **S.C. Anderson**, P. Goddard, C.N. Rooper. tinyVAST: R package with an expressive interface to specify lagged and simultaneous effects in multivariate spatio-temporal models. arXiv. . 2024 : **Anderson, S.C.**, E.J. Ward, P.A. English, L.A.K. Barnett, J.T. Thorson. sdmTMB: an R package for fast, flexible, and user-friendly generalized linear mixed effects models with spatial and spatiotemporal random fields. bioRxiv 2022.03.24.485545. . 2021 : **Anderson, S.C**, B.M. Connors, P.A. English, R.E. Forrest, R. Haigh, K.R. Holt. Trends in Pacific Canadian groundfish stock status. bioRxiv 2021.12.13.472502. . # Publications 2024 : Freshwater, C., **S.C. Anderson**, D.D. Huff, J.M. Smith, D. Jackson, B. Hendriks, S.G. Hinch, S. Johnston, A.W. Trites, and J. King. Chinook salmon depth distributions on the continental shelf are shaped by interactions between location, season, and individual condition. Movement Ecology 12(1): 21. . 2024 : **Anderson, S.C.**, P.A. English, K.S.P. Gale, D.R. Haggarty, C.K. Robb, E.M. Rubidge, P.L. Thompson. Impacts on population indices if scientific surveys are excluded from marine protected areas. ICES Journal of Marine Science. fsae009. . 2024 : Hughes, B.B., Beheshti, K.M., Tinker, M.T., Angelini, C., Endris, C., Murai, L., **Anderson, S.C.**, Espinosa, S., Staedler, M., Tomoleoni, J.A., Sanchez, M., and Silliman, B.R. Top-predator recovery abates geomorphic decline of a coastal ecosystem. Nature 626(7997): 111--118. . 2024 : English, P.A., C.M. Picco, J.C. Edwards, D.R. Haggarty, R.E. Forrest, **S.C. Anderson**. Spatial restrictions hinder avoidance of choke species in an Indigenous rights-based fishery. People and Nature. 6: 75--90. . 2023 : Nephin, J., P.L. Thompson, **S.C. Anderson**, A.E. Park, C.N. Rooper, B. Aulthouse, and J. Watson. Integrating disparate survey data in species distribution models demonstrate the need for robust model evaluation. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 80(12): 1869-1889. . 2024 : Baker, K.D., **S.C. Anderson**, D.R.J. Mullowney, W. Walkusz, and K.R. Skanes. Moving away from a scale mismatch: Spatiotemporal modelling of striped shrimp (*Pandalus montagui*) density in Canada's subarctic. Fisheries Research. 270: 106898. . 2023 : Yalcin, S., **S.C. Anderson**, P.M. Regular, P.A. English. Exploring the limits of spatiotemporal and design-based index standardization under reduced survey coverage. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 80(9): 2368--2379. . 2023 : K.L. Blake, D. Veríssimo, **S.C. Anderson**, A. Gleave. Do species receive more attention when named after celebrities? Conservation Biology. e14184. . 2023 : Davies S.C., P.L. Thompson, C. Gomez, J. Nephin, A. Knudby, A.E. Park, S.K. Friesen, L.J. Pollock, E.M. Rubidge, **S.C. Anderson**, J.C. Iacarella, D.A. Lyons, A.A. MacDonald, A. McMillan, E.J. Ward, A.M. Holdsworth, N. Swart, J. Price, K.L. Hunter. Addressing uncertainty when projecting marine species' distributions under climate change. Ecography: e06731. . 2023 : Liu, O.R. E.J. Ward, **S.C. Anderson**, K.S. Andrews, L.A.K. Barnett, S. Brodie, G. Carroll, J. Fiechter, M.A. Haltuch, C.J. Harvey, E.L. Hazen, P.Y. Hernvann, M. Jacox, I.C. Kaplan, S. Matson, K. Norman, M.P. Buil, R.L. Selden, A.O. Shelton, J.F. Samhouri. Species redistribution creates unequal outcomes for multispecies fisheries under projected climate change. Science Advances 9(33): eadg5468. . 2023 : Lindmark, M., **S.C. Anderson**, M. Gogina, M. Casini. Evaluating drivers of spatiotemporal variability in individual condition of a bottom-associated marine fish, Atlantic cod (*Gadus morhua*). ICES Journal of Marine Science. 80(5): 1539--1550. . 2023 : Free, C.M., **S.C. Anderson**, E.A. Hellmers, B.A. Muhling, M.O. Navarro, K. Richerson, L.A. Rogers, W.H. Satterthwaite, A.R. Thompson, J.M. Burt, S.D. Gaines, K.N. Marshall, J.W. White, and L.F. Bellquist. Impact of the 2014--2016 marine heatwave on US and Canada West Coast fisheries: Surprises and lessons from key case studies. Fish and Fisheries. 24: 652--674. . 2023 : Thompson, P.L., **S.C. Anderson**, J. Nephin, C.K. Robb, B. Proudfoot, A.E. Park, D.R. Haggarty, E.M. Rubidge. Integrating trawl and longline surveys across British Columbia improves groundfish distribution predictions. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 80(1): 195--210. . 2022 : Ward, E.J., L.A.K. Barnett, **S.C. Anderson**, C.J.C. Commander, T.E. Essington. Incorporating non-stationary spatial variability into dynamic species distribution models. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 79(9): 2422-2429. . 2022 : Essington, T.E. **S.C. Anderson**, L.A.K. Barnett, H.M. Berger, S.A. Siedlecki, E.J. Ward. Advancing statistical models to reveal the effect of dissolved oxygen on the spatial distribution of marine taxa using thresholds and a physiologically based index. Ecography 2022(8): e06249. . 2022 : Thompson, P.L., **S.C. Anderson**, J. Nephin, D.R. Haggarty, M. Angelica Peña, P.A. English, K.S.P. Gale, E. Rubidge. Disentangling the impacts of environmental change and commercial fishing on demersal fish biodiversity in a northeast Pacific ecosystem. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 689:137-154. . 2022 : Hunsicker, M.E., E.J. Ward, M.A. Litzow, **S.C. Anderson**, C.J. Harvey, J.C. Field, J. Gao, M.G. Jacox, S. Melin, A.R. Thompson, P. Warzybok. Tracking and forecasting community responses to climate perturbations in the California Current Ecosystem. PLOS Climate. 1(3): e0000014. . 2022 : Commander, C.J.C, L.A.K. Barnett, E.J. Ward, **S.C. Anderson**, T.E. Essington. The shadow model: how and why small choices in spatially explicit species distribution models affect predictions. PeerJ. 10: e12783. . 2022 : Stockdale, J.E., **S.C. Anderson**, A.M Edwards, S.A. Iyaniwura, N. Mulberry, M.C. Otterstatter, N.Z. Janjua, D. Coombs, C. Colijn, and M.A. Irvine. Quantifying transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 and impact of intervention within long-term healthcare facilities. Royal Society Open Science. 9(1): 211710. . 2022 : Ward, E.J., **S.C. Anderson**, M.D. Hunsicker, and M.A. Litzow. Smoothed dynamic factor analysis for identifying trends in multivariate time series. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 13(4):908-918. . 2021 : English, P., E.J. Ward, C.N. Rooper, R.E. Forrest, L.A. Rogers, K.L. Hunter, A.M. Edwards, B.M. Connors, **S.C. Anderson**. Contrasting climate velocity impacts in warm and cool locations show that effects of marine warming are worse in already warmer temperate waters. Fish and Fisheries. 23(1) 239--255. . \[[PDF](\] 2021 : Evans R., P.A. English , **S.C. Anderson**, S. Gauthier, C.L.K. Robinson. Factors affecting the seasonal distribution and biomass of *E. pacifica* and *T. spinifera* along the Pacific coast of Canada: A spatiotemporal modelling approach. PLOS ONE. 2021 May 14;16(5):e0249818. . 2021 : Freshwater C., **S.C. Anderson**, T.D. Beacham, W. Luedke, C. Wor, J. King. An integrated model of seasonal changes in stock composition and abundance with an application to Chinook salmon. PeerJ 9:e11163. . 2021 : **Anderson, S.C.**, P.R. Elsen, B.B. Hughes, R.K. Tonietto, M.C. Bletz, D.A. Gill, M.A. Holgerson, S.E. Kuebbing, C. McDonough MacKenzie, M.H. Meek, D. Veríssimo. Trends in ecology and conservation over eight decades. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 19(5): 274--282. . 2021 : **Anderson, S.C.**, Mulberry, N., Edwards, A.M., Stockdale, J.E., Iyaniwura, S.A., Falcao, R.C., Otterstatter, M.C., Janjua, N.Z., Coombs, D., and Colijn, C. 2020. How much leeway is there to relax COVID-19 control measures? Epidemics. 35: 100453. . 2021 : Barnett, L.A.K., E.J. Ward, **S.C. Anderson**. Improving estimates of species distribution change by incorporating local trends. Ecography. 44: 427--439. . 2020 : **Anderson, S.C.**, A.M. Edwards, M. Yerlanov, N. Mulberry, J. Stockdale, S.A. Iyaniwura, R.C. Falcao, M.C. Otterstatter, M.A. Irvine, N.Z. Janjua, D. Coombs, C. Colijn. Quantifying the impact of COVID-19 control measures using a Bayesian model of physical distancing. PLOS Computational Biology. 16(12): e1008274. . medRxiv preprint: . 2020 : Maureaud, A., R. Frelat, L. Pecuchet, N.L. Shackell, B. Merigot, M.L. Pinsky, K. Amador, **S.C. Anderson**, ... (67 co-authors), J.T. Thorson. Are we ready to track climate-driven shifts in marine species across international boundaries? A global survey of scientific bottom trawl data. Global Change Biology. 27: 220--236. . 2020 : Cahill, C.L., **S.C. Anderson**, A.J. Paul. L. Macphearson, M.G. Sullivan, B. van Poorten, C. Walters, J.R. Post. A spatial-temporal approach to modeling somatic growth across recreational fisheries landscapes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science. 77(11):1822--1835. . 2020 : Litzow, M.A., M.E. Hunsicker, E.J. Ward, **S.C. Anderson**, J. Gao , S. Zador, S. Batten , S. Dressel, J. Duffy-Anderson, E. Fergusson, R. Hopcroft, B.J. Laurel, R. O'Malley Evaluating ecosystem change as Gulf of Alaska temperature exceeds the limits of preindustrial variability. Progress in Oceanography. 186:102393. . 2020 : **Anderson, S.C.**, E.A. Keppel, A.M. Edwards. Reproducible visualization of raw fisheries data for 113 species improves transparency, assessment efficiency, and monitoring. Fisheries. 45:535--543. . ([Preprint PDF]( 2020 : Huynh, Q.C., A.R. Hordyk, R.E. Forrest, C.E. Porch, **S.C. Anderson**, T.R. Carruthers. The interim management procedure approach for assessed stocks: Responsive management advice and lower assessment frequency. Fish and Fisheries. 21(3):663-679. . 2020 : Free, C.M., O.P. Jensen, **S.C. Anderson**, N.L. Gutierrez, K.M. Kleisner, C. Longo, C. Minto, G.C. Osio, J.C. Walsh. Blood from a stone: performance of catch-only methods in estimating stock biomass status. Fisheries Research. 223:105452. . 2020 : Veríssimo, D., **S.C. Anderson**, M. Tlusty. Did the movie Finding Dory increase demand for blue tang fish? Ambio. 49:903--911. . 2019 : Freshwater, C., **S.C. Anderson**, K.R. Holt, A.-M. Huang, C.A. Holt. Weakened portfolio effects constrain management effectiveness for population aggregates. Ecological Applications. 29(7):e01966. . 2019 : Ward, E.J., **S.C. Anderson**, L.A. Damiano, M.E. Hunsicker, M.A. Litzow. Modeling regimes with extremes: the 'bayesdfa' package for identifying and forecasting common trends and anomalies in multivariate time-series data. The R Journal. 11(2):46--55. . 2019 : Afflerbach, J.C., M. Frazier, H.E. Froehlich, **S.C. Anderson**, B.S. Halpern. Quantifying uncertainty in the wild-caught fisheries goal of the Ocean Health Index. Fish and Fisheries. 20(2):343--354. . 2019 : Beaudreau, A.H., E.J. Ward, R.E. Brenner, A.O. Shelton, J.T. Watson, J.C. Womack, **S.C. Anderson**, A.C. Haynie, K.N. Marshall, B.C. Williams. Thirty years of change and the future of Alaskan fisheries: Shifts in fishing participation and diversification in response to environmental, regulatory, and economic pressures. Fish and Fisheries. 20(4):601--619. . 2019 : Harvey, B.J., R.A. Andrus, **S.C. Anderson**. Incorporating biophysical gradients and uncertainty into burn severity maps in a temperate fire-prone forested region. Ecosphere. 10(2):02600. . 2019 : Marshall, K.N., J.T. Duffy-Anderson, E.J. Ward, **S.C. Anderson**, M.E. Hunsicker, B.C. Williams. Long-term trends in ichthyoplankton assemblage structure, biodiversity, and synchrony in the Gulf of Alaska and their relationships to climate. Progress in Oceanography. 170:134--145. . 2019 : **Anderson, S.C.**, Ward, E. J. Black swans in space: modelling spatiotemporal processes with extremes. Ecology. 100(1):e02403. . glmmfields R package: [CRAN](, [GitHub]( 2018 : Walsh, J.C., C. Minto, E. Jardim, **S.C. Anderson**, O.P. Jensen, J. Afflerbach, K.M. Kleisner, M. Dickey-Collas, C. Longo, G.C. Osio, E.R. Selig, J.T. Thorson, M.B. Rudd, K.J. Papacostas, J.N. Kittinger, A.A. Rosenberg, A.B. Cooper. Trade-offs for data-limited fisheries when using harvest strategies based on catch-only models. Fish and Fisheries. 19(6):1130--1146. . 2018 : Ward, E.J., **S.C. Anderson**, A.O. Shelton, R.E. Brenner, M.D. Adkison, A.H. Beaudreau, J.T. Watson, J.C. Shriver, A.C. Haynie, B.C. Williams. Effects of increased specialization on revenue of Alaskan salmon fishers over four decades. Journal of Applied Ecology. 55(3):1082--1091. . 2018 : Hughes, B., S. Lummis, **S.C. Anderson**, K. Kroeker. Unexpected resilience of a seagrass system exposed to multiple stressors. Global Change Biology. 24(1) 224--234. . 2018 : Rosenberg, A.A., K.M. Kleisner, J. Afflerbach, **S.C. Anderson**, M. Dickey-Collas, A.B. Cooper, M.J. Fogarty, E.A. Fulton, N.L. Gutiérrez, K.J.W. Hyde, E. Jardim, O.P. Jensen, T. Kristiansen, C. Longo, C.V. Minte-Vera, C. Minto, I. Mosqueira, G.C. Osio, D. Ovando, E.R. Selig, J.T. Thorson, J.C. Walsh, Y. Ye. Applying a new ensemble approach to estimating stock status of marine fisheries around the world. Conservation Letters. 11(1): e12363. . 2017 : **Anderson, S.C.**, T.A. Branch, A.B. Cooper, N.K. Dulvy. Reply to Youngflesh and Lynch: Migration and population growth rate in animal black-swan events. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 114(43): E8955--E8956. . 2017 : **Anderson, S.C.**, E.J. Ward, A.O. Shelton, M.D. Adkison, A.H. Beaudreau, R.E. Brenner, A.C. Haynie, J.C. Shriver, J.T. Watson, B.C. Williams. Benefits and risks of diversification for individual fishers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 114(40):10797--10802. . 2017 : Megias, D.A., **S.C. Anderson**, R.J. Smith, D. Veríssimo. Investigating the impact of media on demand for wildlife: a case study of Harry Potter and the UK trade in owls. PLoS ONE. 12(10): e0182368. . 2017 : Chezik, K.A., **S.C. Anderson**, J.W. Moore. River networks dampen long-term hydrological signals of climate change. Geophysical Research Letters. 44(14):7256--7264. . 2017 : **Anderson, S.C.**, T.A. Branch, A.B. Cooper, N.K. Dulvy. Black-swan events in animal populations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 114(12): 3252--3257. . 2017 : **Anderson, S.C.**, A.B. Cooper, O.P. Jensen, C. Minto, J.T. Thorson, J.C. Walsh, J. Afflerbach, M. Dickey-Collas, K.M. Kleisner, C. Longo, G.C. Osio, D. Ovando, I. Mosqueira, A.A. Rosenberg, E.R. Selig. Improving estimates of population status and trend with superensemble models. Fish and Fisheries. 18(4): 732--741. . 2016 : Trebilco, R., N.K. Dulvy, **S.C. Anderson**, A.K. Salomon. The paradox of inverted biomass pyramids in kelp forest fish communities. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 283: 20160816. . 2016 : Artelle, K.A., **S.C. Anderson**, J.D. Reynolds, A.B. Cooper, P.C. Paquet, C.T. Darimont. Ecology of conflict: marine food supply affects human-wildlife interactions on land. Scientific Reports. 6: 25936. ([PDF]( 2016 : Kuriyama, P.T., K. Ono, F. Hurtado-Ferro, A.C. Hicks, I.G. Taylor, R.R. Licandeo, K.F. Johnson, **S.C. Anderson**, C.C. Monnahan, M.B. Rudd, C.C. Stawitz, J.L. Valero. An empirical weight-at-age approach reduces estimation bias compared to modeling parametric growth in integrated, statistical stock assessment models when growth is time varying. Fisheries Research. 180: 119--127. ([PDF]( 2016 : Monnahan, C.C., K. Ono, **S.C. Anderson**, M.B. Rudd, A.C. Hicks, F. Hurtado-Ferro, K.F. Johnson, P.T. Kuriyama, R.R. Licandeo, C.C. Stawitz, I.G. Taylor, J.L. Valero. The effect of length bin width on growth estimation in integrated age-structured stock assessments. Fisheries Research. 180: 103--112. ([PDF]( 2015 : Boudreau, S.A., **S.C. Anderson**, B. Worm. Top-down and bottom-up forces interact at thermal range extremes on American lobster. Journal of Animal Ecology. 84(3): 840--850. ([PDF]( 2015 : **Anderson, S.C.**, J.W. Moore, M.M. McClure, N.K. Dulvy, A.B. Cooper. Portfolio conservation of metapopulations under climate change. Ecological Applications. 25(2): 559--572. ([PDF]( 2015 : Orzechowski, E.A., R. Lockwood, J.E.K. Byrnes, **S.C. Anderson**, S. Finnegan, Z.V. Finkel, P.G. Harnik, D.R. Lindberg, L.H. Liow, H.K. Lotze, C.R. McClain, J.L. McGuire, A. O'Dea, J.M. Pandolfi, C. Simpson, D.P. Tittensor. Marine extinction risk shaped by trait-environment interactions over 500 million years. Global Change Biology. 21(10): 3595--3607. ([PDF]( 2015 : Finnegan, S.\*, **S.C. Anderson**\*, P.G. Harnik\*, C. Simpson, D.P. Tittensor, J.E. Byrnes, Z.V. Finkel, D.R. Lindberg, L.H. Liow, R. Lockwood, H.K. Lotze, C.R. McClain, J.L. McGuire, A. O'Dea, J.M. Pandolfi. Paleontological baselines for evaluating extinction risk in the modern oceans. Science. 348(6234): 567--570. (*\*Authors contributed equally*). 2015 : Hurtado-Ferro, F., C.S. Szuwalski, J.L. Valero, **S.C. Anderson**, C.J. Cunningham, K.F. Johnson, R.R. Licandeo, C.R. McGilliard, C.C. Monnahan, M.L. Muradian, K. Ono, K.A. Vert-Pre, A.R. Whitten, A.E. Punt. Looking in the rear-view mirror: bias and retrospective patterns in integrated, age-structured stock assessment models. ICES Journal of Marine Sciences. 72(1): 99--110. ([PDF]( 2015 : Johnson, K.F., C.C. Monnahan, C.R. McGilliard, K.A. Vert-pre, **S.C. Anderson**, C.J. Cunningham, F. Hurtado-Ferro, R.R. Licandeo, M.L. Muradian, K. Ono, C.S. Szuwalski, J.L. Valero, A.R. Whitten, A.E. Punt. Time-varying natural mortality in fisheries stock assessment models: identifying a default approach. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 72(1): 137--150. ([PDF]( 2015 : Ono, K., R. Licandeo, M.L. Muradian, C.J. Cunningham, **S.C. Anderson**, F. Hurtado-Ferro, K.F. Johnson, C.R. McGilliard, C.C. Monnahan, C.S. Szuwalski, J.L. Valero, K.A. Vert-Pre, A.R. Whitten, A.E. Punt. The importance of length and age composition data in statistical age-structured models for marine species. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 72(1): 31--43. ([PDF]( 2014 : Farmer, R.G., M.L. Leonard, J.E. Mills Flemming, **S.C. Anderson**. Observer aging and long-term avian survey data quality. Ecology and Evolution. 4(12): 2563--2576. ([PDF]( [National Geographic news story]( 2014 : **Anderson, S.C.**, C.C. Monnahan, K.F. Johnson, K. Ono, J.L. Valero. ss3sim: An R package for fisheries stock assessment simulation with Stock Synthesis. PLoS ONE. 9(4): e92725. ([PDF]( ([R package](, [code]( 2014 : O'Regan, S.M., W.J. Palen, **S.C. Anderson**. Climate warming mediates negative impacts of rapid pond drying for three amphibian species. Ecology. 95(4): 845--855. ([PDF]( [F1000 Prime recommended]( 2013 : Favaro, B., D.C. Braun, **Earth2Ocean Research Derby**. Research Derby: A pressure cooker for creative collaborative science. Ideas in Ecology and Evolution. Ideas in Ecology and Evolution. 6: 40--46. (Open access). 2013 : **Anderson, S.C.**, A.B. Cooper, N.K. Dulvy. Ecological prophets: Quantifying metapopulation portfolio effects. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 4(10): 971--981. ([PDF](, [GitHub R package]( 2013 : Artelle, K.A., **S.C. Anderson**, A.B. Cooper, P.C. Paquet, J.D. Reynolds, C.T. Darimont. Confronting uncertainty in wildlife management: performance of grizzly bear management. PLoS ONE. 8(11): e78041. ([PDF]( 2013 : Phillis\*, C.C., S.M. O'Regan\*, S.J. Green\*, J.E. Bruce\*, **S.C. Anderson**, J.N. Linton, Earth2Ocean Research Derby, B. Favaro. Multiple pathways to conservation success. Conservation Letters. 6(2): 98--106. ([PDF](, [GitHub repository]( (\*Authors contributed equally, listed in reverse alphabetical order). 2012 : Harnik, P.G., H.K. Lotze, **S.C. Anderson**, Z.V. Finkel, S. Finnegan, D.R. Lindberg, L.H. Liow, R. Lockwood, C.R. McClain, J.L. McGuire, A. O'Dea, J.M. Pandolfi, C. Simpson, D.P. Tittensor. Extinctions in ancient and modern seas. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 27(11): 608--617. ([PDF]( 2012 : **Anderson, S.C.**, T.A. Branch, D. Ricard, H.K. Lotze. Assessing global marine fishery status with a revised dynamic catch-based method and stock-assessment reference points. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 69(8): 1491--1500. . 2011 : **Anderson, S.C.**, R.G. Farmer, F. Ferretti, A.L.S. Houde, J.A. Hutchings. Correlates of vertebrate extinction risk in Canada. BioScience. 61(7): 538--549. ([PDF]( 2011 : **Anderson, S.C.**, J.E. Mills Flemming, R. Watson, H.K. Lotze. Serial exploitation of global sea cucumber fisheries. Fish and Fisheries. 12(3): 317--339. ([PDF]( [Featured in Science]( 2011 : Boudreau, S.A., **S.C. Anderson**, B. Worm. Top-down interactions and temperature control of snow crab abundance in the northwest Atlantic Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 429: 169--183. ([PDF]( 2011 : **Anderson, S.C.**, J.E. Mills Flemming, R. Watson, H.K. Lotze. Rapid global expansion of invertebrate fisheries: trends, drivers, and ecosystem effects. PLoS ONE. 6(3): e14735. ([PDF]( [F1000 Prime recommended]( 2008 : **Anderson, S.C.**, H.K. Lotze, N.L. Shackell. Evaluating the knowledge base for expanding low-trophic-level fisheries in Atlantic Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 65(12): 2553--2571. ([PDF]( # Peer-reviewed government reports 2023 : Barrett, T.J., J.R. Marentette, R.E. Forrest, S.C. Anderson, C.A. Holt, D.W. Ings, M.E. Thiess. Technical Considerations for Stock Status and Limit Reference Points under the Fish Stocks Provisions. Accepted DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2022 : Grandin, C.J., **S.C. Anderson**, P.A. English. Arrowtooth Flounder (*Atheresthes stomias*) Stock Assessment for the West Coast of British Columbia in 2021. Accepted DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2022 : DFO. A data synopsis for British Columbia groundfish: 2021 data update. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Sci. Resp. 2022/020. ([English version](, [French version]( 2021 : DFO. Status Update of Pacifc Cod (*Gadus macrocephalus*) for West Coast Vancouver Island (Area 3CD), and Hecate Strait and Queen Charlotte Sound (Area 5ABCD) in 2020. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Sci. Resp. 2021/002. ([English version](, [French version]( 2021 : **Anderson, S.C.**, R.E. Forrest, Q.C. Huynh, E.A. Keppel. A management procedure framework for groundfish in British Columbia. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2021/007. ([Research Document](, [Associated Science Advisory Report]( 2021 : Haggarty D.R., Q.C. Huynh, R.E. Forrest, **S.C. Anderson**, M.J. Bresch, E.A. Keppel. Evaluation of potential rebuilding strategies for Inside Yelloweye Rockfish (*Sebastes ruberrimus*) in British Columbia. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2021/008. ([Research Document]( 2020 : Forrest, R.E., **S.C. Anderson**, C.J. Grandin, P.J. Starr. Assessment of Pacific Cod (*Gadus macrocephalus*) for Hecate Strait and Queen Charlotte Sound (Area 5ABCD), and West Coast Vancouver Island (Area 3CD) in 2018. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2020/070 iv + 204 p. ([English version](, [French version]( 2019 : **Anderson, S.C.**, E.A. Keppel, A.M. Edwards, 2019. A reproducible data synopsis for over 100 species of British Columbia groundfish. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2019/041. vii + 321 p. ([English version](, [French version]( # Technical Reports 2023 : ICES. Workshop on Unavoidable Survey Effort Reduction 2 (WKUSER2). ICES Scientific Report, 5(13). . Co-lead author of chapter "TOR III. Modeling and simulations: Further develop model performance evaluation through simulations, use of auxiliary information to improve survey data products, including appropriate propagation of uncertainty" 2021 : English, P.A., **Anderson, S.C.**, and Workman, G.D. A review of groundfish surveys in 2019. In State of the physical, biological and selected fishery resources of Pacific Canadian Marine Ecosystems in 2019. Edited by J.L. Boldt, A. Javorski, and P.C. Chandler. pp. 127--133. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 3434, Sidney, BC. ([English version]( 2020 : English, P.A., **Anderson, S.C.**, and Workman, G.D. A review of groundfish surveys in 2019. In State of the physical, biological and selected fishery resources of Pacific Canadian Marine Ecosystems in 2019. Edited by J.L. Boldt, A. Javorski, and P.C. Chandler. pp. 102--106. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 3377, Sidney, BC. ([English version]( 2019 : **Anderson, S.C.**, and Workman, G.D. A review of groundfish surveys in 2018 and an introduction to the groundfish data synopsis report. In State of the physical, biological and selected fishery resources of Pacific Canadian marine ecosystems in 2018. Edited by J.L. Boldt, J. Leonard, and P.C. Chandler. pp. 90--94. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 3314, Sidney, BC. ([English version]( 2018 : Edwards, A.M., Duplisea, D.E., Grinnell, M.H., **Anderson, S.C.**, Grandin, C.J., Ricard, D., Keppel, E.A., Anderson, E.D., Baker, K.D., Benoit, H.P., Cleary, J.S., Connors, B.M., Desgagnes, M., English, P.A., Fishman, D.F., Freshwater, C., Hedges, K.J., Holt, C.A., Holt, K.R., Kronlund, R., Mariscak, A., Obradovich, S.G., Patten, B.A., Rogers, B., Rooper, C.N., Simpson, M.R., Surette, T.J., Tallman, R.F., Wheeland, L.J., Wor, C., and Zhu, X. 2018. Proceedings of the Technical Expertise in Stock Assessment (TESA) national workshop on "Tools for transparent, traceable, and transferable assessments" 27--30 November 2018 in Nanaimo, British Columbia. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 3290, Nanaimo, BC. ([English version]( # Awards and scholarships 2020--21 : Co-principal Investigator on NOAA Office of Science and Technology NMFS-DFO grant "Characterizing range shifts in groundfish species in response to local climate velocities". An extension to apply methods from a similarly titled ACCASP grant below to NOAA waters. 2020--21 : Collaborator on NOAA Office of Science and Technology NMFS-DFO grant "Groundfish distribution shifts between British Columbia, Canada, and Southeast Alaska, USA: climate drivers, ecosystem impacts and management implications". 2019 : Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Stevenson Lectureship. A "lectureship conferred upon a young, energetic and creative researcher at the cutting edge of an aquatic discipline". 2018--20 : Principal Investigator of a two-year grant from Fisheries and Oceans Canada's Aquatic Climate Change Adaptation Services Program (ACCASP). Project title: Characterizing range shifts in British Columbia groundfish species in response to local climate velocities. 2017 : Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution (CSEE) Early Career Award.\ 2015 : David H. Smith Conservation Postdoctoral Research Fellowship\ 2015 : Simon Fraser University Dean of Graduate Studies Convocation Medal\ 2014 : Garfield Weston Foundation / BC Packers Ltd. Graduate Fellowship in Marine Sciences 2014 : Graduate Fellowship (two semesters), Simon Fraser University 2012--13 : Canadian Fulbright Scholar award to the University of Washington 2011 : Canadian [Governor General's Academic Gold Medal]( for the top-ranked Master's Natural Sciences and Engineering thesis at Dalhousie University in 2010 2011--14 : Provost Prize of Distinction, Simon Fraser University 2011--14 : Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Postgraduate Scholarship (Doctoral) 2007--10 : Faculty Research Grant Scholarship, Dalhousie University 2007--09 : Graduate Studies Scholarship, Dalhousie University 2007 : Environmental Programmes Honour Society Medal, Dalhousie University # Software ```{=tex} \setlist[itemize]{topsep=2pt} ``` **sdmTMB**: - An R package for fitting spatiotemporal species distribution GLMMs (generalized linear mixed effects models) with TMB (Template Model Builder) **covidseir**: - Primary statistical model for COVID-19 forecasts for Canada (Public Health Agency of Canada) since August 2020 and British Columbia since April 2020 - Fits a Bayesian SEIR (Susceptible, Exposed, Infectious, Recovered) model to daily COVID-19 case data - Can accommodate multiple types of case data at once (e.g., reported cases, hospitalizations, ICU admissions) and accounts for delays between symptom onset and case appearance. - Can evaluate epidemic forecasts given changes to population contact rates (e.g., levels of social distancing) - Published: Anderson et al. (2020; PLOS Computational Biology) **glmmfields**: - Bayesian generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) with robust random fields for spatiotemporal modeling - Allows identification of extreme changes in spatial distribution (e.g., rapid range contractions) - Published: Anderson and Ward (2019; Ecology) **bayesdfa**: - R package to fit Bayesian Dynamic Factor Analysis (DFA) time series models (co-developed with E.J. Ward) - Can identify common trends, extreme events, or regime shifts in multiple ecological timeseries - Published: Ward et al. (2019; The R Journal) **csasdown**: - R package for reproducible Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Documents, Science Responses, and Technical Reports via R Markdown - Enables fully reproducible CSAS reports going directly from databases to analysis to written reports to bring CSAS reports in line with modern data analysis best practices **rosettafish**: - Enables the seamless translation of fish- and fisheries-related terms in R code to enable reproducible and efficient production of bilingual CSAS Research Documents and Science Responses **gfplot, gfdata, gfsynopsis, and gfdlm**: - R packages to facilitate rapid and reproducible data extraction, model fitting, and plotting of BC groundfish data - gfsynopsis is used to generate an annual Research Document synopsis report showing all available fishery and biological data and model fits for 113 species - gfdlm facilitates applying the management strategy evaluation toolkit 'MSEtool' to BC groundfish **ss3sim**: - R package for flexible, rapid, and reproducible fisheries stock assessment simulation testing with the widely used Stock Synthesis statistical age-structured stock assessment framework - Published: Anderson et al. (2014; PLOS ONE) # Selected first-author invited conference presentations 2019 : **Anderson, S.C.**, E.A. Keppel, A.M. Edwards, P.A. English, E.J. Ward. An automated synopsis of the state of Pacific Canadian groundfish and climate impacts. North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) conference. Victoria, BC, Canada. Invited talk to plenary session (to be given October 2019). 2018 : **Anderson, S.C.**, Ward, E. J. Black swans in space: modelling spatiotemporal processes with extremes. International Statistical Ecology Conference, St. Andrews, Scotland. ([slides]( 2017 : **Anderson, S.C.** Data-driven approaches to quantifying population status and extremes. Early Career Award keynote lecture at the Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution (CSEE), Victoria, BC, Canada. 2016 : **Anderson, S.C.**, T.A. Branch, A.B. Cooper, N.K. Dulvy. Black-swan events in animal populations. North America Congress for Conservation Biology, Madison, WI, United States. 2016 : **Anderson, S.C.**, A.B. Cooper, O.P. Jensen, C. Minto, J.T. Thorson, J.C. Walsh, M. Dickey-Collas, K.M. Kleisner, C. Longo, G.C. Osio, D. Ovando, I. Mosqueira, A.A. Rosenberg, E.R. Selig. Improving estimates of population status and trend with superensemble models. World Fisheries Conference, Busan, South Korea. (Presented *in absentia* by J.T. Thorson.) 2015 : **Anderson, S.C.**, A.B. Cooper, O.P. Jensen, C. Minto, J.T. Thorson, J.C. Walsh, M. Dickey-Collas, K.M. Kleisner, C. Longo, G.C. Osio, D. Ovando, I. Mosqueira, A.A. Rosenberg, E.R. Selig. Improving estimates of population status and trend with superensemble models. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, United States. # Teaching 2022 : Two workshops on geostatistical modelling with sdmTMB for the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) PSAW (Protected Species Assessment Workshop) series. [Slides and exercises](, Lecture recordings: [Week 1](, [Week 2]( 2020 : Two webinars for the national TESA (Technical Expertise in Stock Assessment) 2019--2020 webinar series: (1) data visualization with ggplot2 and (2) efficiently iterating with code using the purrr package 2019 : Two-day workshop on Advanced R topics (functional programming, debugging, profiling, benchmarking, parallel processing, integrating C++ with R). University of British Columbia. 2019 : Organizer of [Advanced R]( book club at Pacific Biological Station. Organized seven twice-a-month meetings of DFO Biologists and Research Scientists to work through the book and clarify exercise material. 2018 : One-day workshop on Bayesian data analysis for ecologists with Stan for the David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellowship Program. 2018 : Two two-day workshops on advanced generalized linear mixed-effects modeling in R for the Simon Fraser University Library Research Commons. 2017 : One-and-a-half-day workshop on linear mixed-effects modeling in R and generalized linear modeling in R for the David H. Smith Conservation Postdoctoral Research Fellows. 2016 : Two two-day workshops on advanced generalized linear mixed-effects modeling in R for the Simon Fraser University Library Research Commons. 2014--16 : Developed self-directed lecture and exercises on ggplot2 for FISH 554: Beautiful graphics in R, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States.\ 2013--14 : Organizer of Stats Beerz --- a statistical help group attended by graduate students and postdocs primarily in the Earth to Oceans research group, but also the wider SFU Biology and Geography Departments, and the School of Resource and Environmental Management (REM). 2013 : Two-part workshop on data manipulation for Stats Beerz and Earth to Oceans groups at Simon Fraser University with approximately 25 participants. An introduction to plyr, advanced concepts with plyr and function debugging, and an introduction to dplyr.\ 2013 : Instructor for BISC-888-1: Data Wrangling and Visualization in R, a graduate-level course at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada with approximately 20 participants. Co-developed curriculum and developed/delivered lectures, exercises, notes, and assignments for three of six two-hour classes.\ (see classes 03, 04, 05) 2012 : Introduction to ggplot2. ([notes](, [slides]( Lecture for FISH 507H: Beautiful Graphics in R, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States 2012 : Workshop on the R package plyr. ([notes](, [slides](, [examples]( Branch Lab, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States 2011 : Multipanel plotting in R with base graphics. ([notes](, [slides]( Earth2Ocean Research Group, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada. 2011 : A brief introduction to R. ([notes](, [workshop code]( Earth2Ocean Research Group, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada. 2011 : Workshop on the R package plyr ([notes](, [slides]( Earth2Ocean Research Group, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada. 2007--08 : Teaching Assistant, Organismal Biology and Ecology, Dalhousie University, two semesters (BIOL 1021). 2007--08 : Teaching Assistant, Marine Mammology, Dalhousie University (BIOL 4060). # Working groups and workshops 2020--23 : Joint ICES/PICES Working Group on impacts of warming on growth rates and fisheries yields (WGGRAFY). 2020--22 : TNC (The Nature Conservancy, based in the California office) working group on climate change impacts on North American west coast fisheries 2020 : Ocean Frontier Institute/Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute (CANSSI) working group on *Spatial Modelling of Fishery Survey Data to Improve Stock Assessment*; invited keynote speaker 2019--20 : NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) FATE (Fisheries and the Environment) working group *Spatial ecosystem state and pressure indicators and the scale-dependence of temporal indicator performance in the California Current and beyond* 2018--19 : European Commission Joint Research Council working group *A new approach to strengthen evidence-based fisheries management* investigating approaches to providing fisheries management scientific advice based on model ensembles. 2018 : Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (Ireland) working group on ecosystem tipping points 2016--17 : NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) FATE (Fisheries and the Environment) working group *An early-warning index for abrupt change in northeast Pacific ecosystems* 2015--16 : NCEAS (National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Santa Barbara, CA) *Applying portfolio effects to the Gulf of Alaska ecosystem: Did multi-scale diversity buffer against the Exxon Valdez oil spill?* ([URL]( 2015--16 : Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation funded working group *Applying data-limited stock status models and developing management guidance for unassessed fish stocks*. 2011--13 : NESCent (National Evolutionary Synthesis Center, Durham, NC) Working Group *Determinants of Extinction in Ancient and Modern Seas* led by Paul Harnik, Seth Finnegan, and Rowan Lockwood. ([URL]( 2010 : Atlantic Halibut Assessment Science Peer Review Meeting, Fisheries and Oceans, Dartmouth, NS, Canada. 2007--09 : NCEAS (National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Santa Barbara, CA) Distributed Graduate Seminar, in association with the Working Group *Finding Common Ground in Marine Conservation and Management* led by Ray Hilborn and Boris Worm. ([URL]( # Reviewing Reviewer for Science, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Fish and Fisheries, Fisheries Research, ICES Journal of Marine Science, Ecological Applications, Conservation Biology, Proceedings B, Ecology, Marine Policy, Population Ecology, Journal of Applied Ecology, International Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation, Biological Conservation, Diversity and Distributions, Oikos, Journal of Environmental Management, Endangered Species Research, Aquatic Conservation, NSERC Discovery Grants